
Terms & Conditions for Employees

(Tech - Non Tech) (ALL Branch)
UCFER is one of the top companies in India, so it is essential for enthusiasts to know the company’s excellence. It will introduce candidates (newcomers / experienced candidates) to the UCFER Examination Principles, Graduation Criteria, Academic Criteria and documents required to apply to UCFER.

UCFER policies

1) If a candidate attends an interview within the last 6 months from the date of the new application, he / she is not eligible to apply.

2) If a candidate in an interview is rejected by UCFER, the candidate is not eligible to re-apply for a period of 90 months after the interview.

3) If UCFER terminates the candidate application for some reason, the candidate is ineligible to apply.

4) If a candidate misses the opportunity to give an interview after applying to UCFER for any reason, the candidate reserves the right to re-apply and participate in the selection process.

Documents required

1) All original mark sheets related to SSLC (10th), Intermediate(12th) or Diploma (if any) and Graduation are required to be produced at the time of interview.

2) A copy of candidate updated resume.

 3) Recent passport size photographs.

4) An original identification proof issued by the government of India (Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Voter ID card, Passport etc.)

5) Appointment letter, relieving letters and Experience letters (mention start date and end date of your service) of all the organizations you have worked with in the past.

7) Current organization’s appointment letter, most recent compensation letter, NOC letter and last 3 months’ salary slip.

Please note that a candidate must go to the working UCFER and surrender all the documents mentioned above.

Aggregate Percentage Requirements

Your appointment will be subject to your scoring minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) marks of 85% or above in the first attempt in each of your Standard Xth, Standard XIIth, Diploma (if applicable) and Graduation examination which includes successful completion of your final semester/year without any pending arrears/backlogs. As per the UCFER eligibility criteria, marks/CGPA obtained during the normal duration of the course only will be considered to decide on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums during the recruitment process, your appointment is subject to completion of your course within the stipulated time as specified by your University/Institute and as per UCFER selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/backlogs, if any, during your academics and work experience. The management reserves the right to withdraw/revoke the offer/appointment at any time at its sole discretion in case any discrepancy or false information is found in the details submitted by you.

Training Period

Continuous Learning is a way of life in UCFER and forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER. On joining UCFER, you will be given the opportunity to undergo our Initial Learning program (ILP). This formal learning will add value to you as a professional and help you to excel in your career.

Formal assessments will be made during your learning period. The average of these assessments will be a key component of your first assessment. If your performance is found to be unsatisfactory during the training period, the company may give you opportunities to improve and improve your performance. If your performance is still found unsatisfactory and UCFER may terminate your training immediately.

You may please note that in the event of your performance during the ILP falling short of the required standard, UCFER reserves the right to either extend your ILP or terminate your services.

If your services are unsatisfactory, UCFER may terminate your services by giving you three months’ notice or 6 months’ basic salary in lieu thereof.

The terms and conditions of the training will be governed by UCFER training policy. UCFER reserves the right to modify or amend the training policy. However, UCFER may even otherwise at its sole discretion terminate the traineeship any time if your performance is not found satisfactory.

If you remain unauthorisedly absent for a consecutive period of 3 days during the training programme, you shall be deemed to have abandoned your traineeship and your name will automatically stand discontinued from the list of ILP trainees without any further intimation/separate communication to you.

Working Hours
You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours as permitted by law. You may be required to work beyond your existing working hours depending upon the business requirements / exigencies from time to time.
UCFER reserves the right to transfer you at any of its offices, work sites, or associated or affiliated companies in India or outside India, on the terms and conditions as applicable to you at the time of transfer.
Compensation Structure / Salary components
The compensation structure/salary components are subject to change as per UCFER compensation policy from time to time at its sole discretion. Your salary will be changed if you are short of work.
Increments and Promotions
Your performance and contribution to UCFER will be an important consideration for salary increments and promotions. Salary increments and promotions will be based on UCFER Compensation and Promotion policy.
Alternative Occupation / Employment
Either during the period of your traineeship or during the period of your employment as a confirmed
employee of UCFER, you are not permitted to undertake any other employment, business, assume any public or private office, honorary or remunerative, without the prior written permission of UCFER.
Confidentiality Agreement
As part of the formalities of joining, UCFER and its clients have agreed to a confidentiality agreement aimed at protecting their intellectual property rights and business information.
Service Agreement
Salary, bonus and retainage will not be paid on leaving the job halfway. Must have worked for at least 60 months.
Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement
If you are on international assignment, you will be covered by the UCFER International Assignment policy from the date of deputation. Accordingly, you will be required to sign the applicable Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement/s. In case of every international assignment that exceeds 30 days, you will be required to serve UCFER as per the Notice Period mentioned below.
This is to ensure that the knowledge and information gained by you during your assignment is shared and available to UCFER and its associates. This transfer of knowledge and information is essential for UCFER to continue to serve its clients and customers better.
If you are deputed internationally for training, you will be required to sign an agreement to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 26 months on completion of training.
Terms and Conditions
The above terms and conditions are specific to India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments.
UCFER Code of Conduct
You are required to sign the UCFER Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day-to-day conduct as an associate of UCFER.
Notice Period
UCFER shall give 3 month’s notice or payment in lieu thereof if the traineeship is discontinued/terminated upon the expiry of one year. No notice or payment in lieu thereof shall be payable by UCFER when the traineeship is discontinued/terminated on account of any misconduct, either during the period of traineeship or upon expiry of the traineeship. During your tenure with UCFER, either you or UCFER can terminate the appointment by giving 1 month’s basic salary in lieu of the notice. You will be liable to pay UCFER Rs 12 Month salary or knowladge sharing in case you fail to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 6 Month after joining in accordance with Clause No.10.
If you are covered under Deputation Agreement/International Assignment Agreement, either you or UCFER can terminate the traineeship/appointment by giving 6 month written notice as set out in the Separation Policy of UCFER. UCFER reserves the right if it is in the interest of the business and current assignment, to ask you to complete your notice period.
You will retire from the services of UCFER on reaching your 60th birthday as per the proof of age submitted by you at the time of joining.
Employment of Non-Indian Citizens
In case, you are not a citizen of India, this offer is subject to your obtaining a work permit and / or any other permissions and / or documentation as prescribed by the Government of India.

Background Check

Your association with UCFER will be subject to a background check in line with UCFER background check policy. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Normally, such checks are completed within one month of joining. If the background check reveals unfavourable results, you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of traineeship/service without notice.


Initial Training Programme

On joining UCFER, you will be given the benefit of formal and on the job training (“Initial Learning Programme”) at our offices, as identified, for such a period as UCFER may decide. The said training forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER and is an ongoing process. UCFER continues to make investment on training and continuing education of its professionals. This will be of immense value to you as a professional and a large part of the ownership and commitment has to come from you. As UCFER progresses with these initiatives, monitoring performance will be an ongoing process and a formal evaluation will be carried out during the training. The evaluation criteria which will be very transparent will be used as a basis for allocating people to projects/roles. We would request that the training be taken very seriously to enable you to add maximum value to your professional and personal growth.

Letter of Appointment

You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and after completing joining formalities as per UCFER policy.

Rules and Regulations of the Company

Your appointment will be governed by the policies, rules, regulations, practices, processes and procedures of UCFER as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. 

Compliance to all clauses

You should fulfil all the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of offer. Failure to fulfill one or more of the terms and conditions and/or failure to clear one or more tests successfully would entitle UCFER to withdraw this offer letter at its sole discretion. Withdrawal of Offer. if you fail to accept the offer from UCFER within 3 days, it will be construed that you are not interested in this employment and this offer will be automatically withdrawn. Post acceptance of UCFER Offer letter if you fail to join on the date provided in the UCFER Joining letter, the offer will stand automatically terminated at the discretion of UCFER.

Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, information and material of UCFER (including for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of its Clients) that comes into the possession or know of the Retainer/Consultant and shall include the following:

Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information, data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by UCFER or the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or in connection with or arising out of the Retainer/Consultant’s association with UCFER. Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine instructions wherever resident and on whatever media and all related documentation and software.

All other information and material of UCFER relating to design, method of construction, manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the UCFER equipment and components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports, process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software, object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations, calculations, computer programs, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the Clients of UCFER).

Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information, which could cause competitive harm to UCFER if disclosed.

Customer and prospective customers lists, and All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived, gathered or collected or obtained by the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or arising out of the association with UCFER or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her association with UCFER or any of the operations and entrusted by UCFER to the Retainer/Consultant.

Retainer/Consultant’s Obligations

Retainer/Consultant agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of UCFER. The Retainer/Consultant agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by UCFER or to a person having a valid contract with or need under UCFER, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of Retainer/Consultant-ship, the Retainer/Consultant agrees to surrender to UCFER all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to UCFER and Retainer/Consultant shall have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information. The Retainer/Consultant shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of UCFER all inventions, ideas, innovations, discoveries, improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her engagement with UCFER, including in the course of provision of services to the Clients of UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant hereby agrees and confirms that all such intellectual property rights shall at all times vest in and remain vested in UCFER and agrees to transfer and assign to UCFER any interests the Retainer/Consultant may have in such intellectual property rights including any interest in and to any domestic or foreign patent rights, trademarks, trade names copyrights and trade secret rights therein and any renewals thereof. On request of UCFER, the Retainer/Consultant shall execute from time to time, during or after the termination of his or her Retainer/Consultant-ship, such further instruments, including without limitations, applications for letters of patent, trademarks, trade names and copyrights or assignments thereof, as may be deemed necessary or desirable by UCFER to perfect the title of UCFER in the intellectual property rights and to effectuate the provisions hereof. All expenses of filling or prosecuting any application for patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights shall be borne solely by UCFER, but the Retainer/Consultant shall coordinate in filing and / or prosecuting any such applications. The Retainer/Consultant hereby expressly waives any “artist’s rights” or “moral rights”, which the

Retainer/Consultant might otherwise have in such intellectual property rights.

Prior knowledge

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by UCFER, he or she had no knowledge of the Confidential Information of UCFER and that such Confidential Information is of a confidential and secret character and is vital to the continued success of UCFER business. The Retainer/Consultant further acknowledges that he or she is associated with UCFER in a capacity in which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential Information. In order to safeguard the legitimate interests of UCFER in such Confidential Information, it is necessary for UCFER to protect such Confidential Information by holding it secret and confidential.

Use of third-party material

The Retainer/Consultant expressly agrees that it shall not in the course of his or her association with UCFER and while working on the premises or facilities of UCFER or its Clients or in connection with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of UCFER, use any third party material or intellectual. Property rights except those intellectual property rights provided by UCFER or expressly authorised by UCFER or without having proper authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property rights.

Security policies and Guidelines

The Retainer/Consultant agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents, guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of UCFER in force from time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

Restriction on Retainer/Consultant’s Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use, sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of UCFER that is or may be revealed to him or her by UCFER or which may in the course of his or her engagement with UCFER come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by UCFER.

No License

UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or hereafter obtained by UCFER is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information.

Equitable Rights

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that any Confidential Information that comes into the possession and / or knowledge of the Retainer/Consultant is of a unique, highly confidential and proprietary nature. It is further acknowledged by the Retainer/Consultant that the disclosure, distribution, dissemination and / or release by the Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of UCFER or any breach of this Agreement by the Retainer/Consultant will cause UCFER to suffer severe, immediate and irreparable damage and that upon any such breach or any threat thereof, UCFER shall without prejudice to any other remedies available to it, be entitled to appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.


a. The provisions hereof shall be interpreted, determined and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

b. In the event of any dispute or disagreement over the interpretation of any of the terms herein contained or may claim or liability of any party including that of surety, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated by UCFER, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Subject to the above, the arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1999 or any modifications or re-enactment thereof. The Retainer/Consultant confirms that the fact that the arbitrator shall be a nominee of UCFER shall not be a ground for objecting to such arbitration or challenging the decision of the arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. Subject to the above arbitration clause, the Parties agreed to the binding jurisdiction of the Courts at Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu under the laws of India.

c. If any provision hereof shall be found by a judicial tribunal to be contrary to governing law, it shall be deemed null and void without annulling or rendering invalid the remainder of the Agreement and if the invalid portion is such that the remainder cannot be sustained without it, the Parties herein shall find a suitable replacement to the invalid portion that shall be legally valid.

d. This Confidentiality clause along with other documents executed by the Retainer/Consultant or referenced in any such documents constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining to the subject matter thereof. No delay of omission of either Party in exercising or enforcing any of their rights or remedies hereunder shall constitute a waiver thereof.

e. This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

f. The obligations of the Retainer/Consultant in terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue during the term of or in the course of the Retainer/Consultant-ship of the Retainer/Consultant with UCFER and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity.


The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that he/she is required on behalf of UCFER to provide service to, or solicit business from various clients of the UCFER (each such client here in after referred to as Customer). The Retainer/Consultant agrees that for a period of 6 (Three) months following the expiry or early termination of his/her Retainer/Consultant-ship with the UCFER for any reason, will not accept any offer of employment / Retainer / Consultant-ship from any Client or Competitor of UCFER, where he/she had worked in a professional capacity with Client projects during the course of his / her Retainer / Consultant-ship with UCFER.

Indian Govt Employee Act Some laws applicable to employment have been changed with effect from November 15, 2022.

Questions about the Terms  should be sent to us at


Graduation Criteria

Only full-time courses will be considered (Part-Time/Correspondence courses will not be considered). Any Degree.

UCFER policies

1) If a candidate attends an interview within the last 6 months from the date of the new application, he / she is not eligible to apply.

2) If a candidate in an interview is rejected by UCFER, the candidate is not eligible to re-apply for a period of 6 months after the interview.

3) If UCFER terminates the candidate application for some reason, the candidate is ineligible to apply.

4) If a candidate misses the opportunity to give an interview after applying to UCFER for any reason, the candidate reserves the right to re-apply and participate in the selection process.


Bouquet of Benefits offers you the flexibility to design this part of your compensation within the defined framework, twice in a financial year. All the components will be disbursed on a monthly basis.

The components under Bouquet of Benefits are listed below. The amounts given here for each of the components below are as per pre-defined structure. However, you may want to re-distribute the BoB amount between the components as per your tax plan, once you join UCFER. To design your Bouquet of Benefits, you may access the link to BoB in the “Employee Self Service” link on “Ultimate”, the internal portal of UCFER. Taxation will be governed by the Income Tax rules. UCFER will be deducting tax at source as per income tax guidelines.

1. Conveyance Allowance – Some employees will be eligible for a conveyance allowance.

2. Leave Travel Allowance – You will be eligible for an annual leave travel allowance equal to one-month Basic salary or pro-rata amount if you join the fiscal year. It will be paid monthly on a monthly basis. To receive income tax benefits, you must apply for at least three days of leave and submit supporting travel documents.

3. Food Coupons – You will be eligible for food coupons of (based on position and work Type) per month.

Performance Pay, Monthly Performance Pay

The monthly performance wage is off-roll, based on your own personal performance change.

This Pay shall be treated as productivity bonus in lieu of statutory profit bonus.

PF and ESI

Consent Letter of Majority of Employees for Voluntary Coverage under Section 1(4) of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

We the undersigned majority of employees of M/s UCFER (including branches etc.) do hereby consent and apply to be covered under the Employees’ Provident Funds and

Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 on voluntary basis with effect from — the last date of the month in which the notification is published in the Gazette of India, and we are willing to pay our share of Provident Fund contribution at the rate of 12% We also undertake to abide by the requirements of the said statute and the rules framed there under as amended from time to time.

We request that necessary notification under Section 1(4) of the Act may be issued at an early date.

The majority of the employees are willing to pay their shares of contributions at the rate of 12 % and have agreed to comply with the provisions of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the Scheme framed there under. The written consent to this effect is enclosed.

Necessary Arrangements may kindly be made to issue the necessary notification under Section 1 (4) of the Act, by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner.

Incase new employee or contract based workers and staffs has no PF and ESI support. But UCFER has support to this category, For them, 12% of the buff amount is kept by the company as savings amount, which can be taken by the employee after a year. It cannot be taken before that.


1. Aggregate Percentage Requirements

Your appointment will be subject to your scoring minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) marks of 65% or above in the first attempt in each of your Standard Xth, Standard XIIth, Diploma (if applicable) and Graduation examination which includes successful completion of your final semester/year without any pending arrears/backlogs. As per the UCFER eligibility criteria, marks/CGPA obtained during the normal duration of the course only will be considered to decide on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums during the recruitment process, your appointment is subject to completion of your course within the stipulated time as specified by your University/Institute and as per UCFER selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/backlogs, if any, during your academics and work experience. The management reserves the right to withdraw/revoke the offer/appointment at any time at its sole discretion in case any discrepancy or false information is found in the details submitted by you.

2. Disclaimer

Candidates who have applied to UCFER and who have not been successful in clearing the UCFER selection process is not eligible to re-apply to UCFER within six months from the date on which the candidate had attended such selection Test and/or Interview. In case you are found to have re-applied to UCFER within six months of previous unsuccessful attempt, the management reserves the right to revoke/withdraw the offer/appointment without prejudice to its other rights.

3. Training Period

Continuous Learning is a way of life in UCFER and forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER. On joining UCFER, you will be given the opportunity to undergo our Initial Learning program (ILP). This formal learning will add value to you as a professional and help you to excel in your career.

Formal assessments will be made during your learning period. The average of these assessments will be a key component of your first assessment. If your performance is found to be unsatisfactory during the training period, the company may give you opportunities to improve and improve your performance. If your performance is still found unsatisfactory and UCFER may terminate your training immediately.

You may please note that in the event of your performance during the ILP falling short of the required standard, UCFER reserves the right to either extend your ILP or terminate your services.

We will be confirmed at the end of 20 dayss from the date of joining UCFER. This confirmation will be communicated to you in writing or oral. Upon your confirmation, if your services are not found satisfactory, UCFER may terminate your services by giving you 5 days’ notice in lieu thereof.

The terms and conditions of the training will be governed by UCFER training policy. UCFER reserves the right to modify or amend the training policy. However, UCFER may even otherwise at its sole discretion terminate the traineeship any time if your performance is not found satisfactory.

If you remain unauthorizedly absent for a consecutive period of 2 days during the training programme, you shall be deemed to have abandoned your traineeship and your name will automatically stand discontinued from the list of ILP trainees without any further intimation/separate communication to you. your training duration is Maximum 6 days.

4. Working Hours

You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours as permitted by law. You may be required to work beyond your existing working hours depending upon the business requirements / exigencies from time to time.

5. Mobility

UCFER reserves the right to transfer you at any of its offices, work sites, or associated or affiliated companies in India or outside India, on the terms and conditions as applicable to you at the time of transfer.

6. Compensation Structure / Salary components

The compensation structure/salary components are subject to change as per UCFER compensation policy from time to time at its sole discretion.

7. Increments and Promotions

Your performance and contribution to UCFER will be an important consideration for salary increments and promotions. Salary increments and promotions will be based on UCFER Compensation and Promotion policy.

8. Alternative Occupation / Employment

Either during the period of your traineeship or during the period of your employment as a confirmed

employee of UCFER, you are not permitted to undertake any other employment, business, assume any public or private office, honorary or remunerative, without the prior written permission of UCFER.

9. Confidentiality Agreement

As part of the joining formalities, you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of UCFER and its clients.

10. Service Agreement

Salary, bonus and retainage will not be paid on leaving the job halfway. Must have worked for at least 3 months. First 3 months will be taken in off-roll, then UCFER will try to change to on-roll.

11. Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement

If you are on international assignment, you will be covered by the UCFER International Assignment policy from the date of deputation. Accordingly, you will be required to sign the applicable Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement/s. In case of every international assignment that exceeds 30 days, you will be required to serve UCFER as per the Notice Period mentioned below.

This is to ensure that the knowledge and information gained by you during your assignment is shared and available to UCFER and its associates. This transfer of knowledge and information is essential for UCFER to continue to serve its clients and customers better.

If you are deputed internationally for training, you will be required to sign an agreement to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 6 months on completion of work.

12. Terms and Conditions

The above terms and conditions are specific to India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments.

13. UCFER Code of Conduct

You are required to sign the UCFER Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day-to-day conduct as an associate of UCFER.

14. Notice Period

UCFER shall give one month’s notice or payment in lieu thereof if the traineeship is discontinued/terminated upon the expiry of one year. No notice or payment in lieu thereof shall be payable by UCFER when the traineeship is discontinued/terminated on account of any misconduct, either during the period of traineeship or upon expiry of the traineeship. During your tenure with UCFER, either you or UCFER can terminate the appointment by giving 3 month’s basic salary in lieu of the notice. You will be liable to pay UCFER Rs 2 Month salary or knowladge sharing in case you fail to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 3 Month after joining in accordance with Clause No.10.

If you are covered under Deputation Agreement/International Assignment Agreement, either you or UCFER can terminate the traineeship/appointment by giving 90 calendar days written notice as set out in the Separation Policy of UCFER. UCFER reserves the right if it is in the interest of the business and current assignment, to ask you to complete your notice period.

15. Retirement

You will retire from the services of UCFER on reaching your 60th birthday as per the proof of age submitted by you at the time of joining.

16. Employment of Non-Indian Citizens

In case, you are not a citizen of India, this offer is subject to your obtaining a work permit and / or any other permissions and / or documentation as prescribed by the Government of India.

17. Background Check

Your association with UCFER will be subject to a background check in line with UCFER background check policy. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Normally, such checks are completed within one month of joining. If the background check reveals unfavourable results, you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of traineeship/service without notice.

18. Submission of Documents

You will receive mail.
19. Initial Training Programme
On joining UCFER, you will be given the benefit of formal and on the job training (“Initial Learning Programme”) at our offices, as identified, for such a period as UCFER may decide. The said training forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER and is an ongoing process. UCFER continues to make investment on training and continuing education of its professionals. This will be of immense value to you as a professional and a large part of the ownership and commitment has to come from you.
As UCFER progresses with these initiatives, monitoring performance will be an ongoing process and a formal evaluation will be carried out during the training. The evaluation criteria which will be very transparent will be used as a basis for allocating people to projects/roles. We would request that the training be taken very seriously to enable you to add maximum value to your professional and personal growth.

20. Letter of Appointment

You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and after completing joining formalities as per UCFER policy.

21. Rules and Regulations of the Company

Your appointment will be governed by the policies, rules, regulations, practices, processes and procedures of UCFER as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. If you are not able to show the result properly, the management will decide the salary based on the work and result.

22. Compliance to all clauses

You should fulfil all the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of offer. Failure to fulfill one or more of the terms and conditions and/or failure to clear one or more tests successfully would entitle UCFER to withdraw this offer letter at its sole discretion.
Withdrawal of Offer

if you fail to accept the offer from UCFER within 3 days, it will be construed that you are not interested in this employment and this offer will be automatically withdrawn.

Post acceptance of UCFER Offer letter if you fail to join on the date provided in the UCFER Joining letter, the offer will stand automatically terminated at the discretion of UCFER.

Indian Govt Employee Act Some laws applicable to employment have been changed with effect from November 15, 2022.

  1. If you have worked in an organization for less than 11 months and 29 days and joint with UCFER, you will be accepted as a fresher.
  2. PF and ESI facility can be arranged by the company itself for all the employees of the company.
  3. Experience certificate will be given only if you have worked in UCFER for more than 12 months and 1 day.
  4. Those working in IT/BPO have no permanent salary for 11 months and 29 days and after 12 months and 1 days the basic pay has been changed to 50%. It will be converted to permanent salary after 12 months and 1 days.
  5. The job will be made permanent after 11 months and 29 days.
  6. IT/BPO employees can change their training duration from 6 months to 11 months and 29 days.
  7. Non-permanent employees working in the BPO sector must complete the specified work in the first 3 months of joining the job, and the salary will depend on the performance and result of the work.
  8. Salary for freshers employee will be sent from company to bank account.
  9. Permanent job can be changed after 3 months as per the company.
  10.  Insurance will be provided to the employee once the job is made permanent and UCFER will bear the cost of securing the insurance. The insurance amount ranges from 1 lakh to 8 lakhs.

Confidentiality and IP Terms and Conditions

1. Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, information and material of UCFER (including for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of its Clients) that comes into the possession or know of the Retainer/Consultant and shall include the following:

a. Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information, data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by UCFER or the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or in connection with or arising out of the Retainer/Consultant’s association with UCFER. Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine instructions wherever resident and on whatever media and all related documentation and software.

b. All other information and material of UCFER relating to design, method of construction, manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the UCFER equipment and components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports, process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software, object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations, calculations, computer programs, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the Clients of UCFER).

c. Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information, which could cause competitive harm to UCFER if disclosed.
d. Customer and prospective customer lists, and

e. All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived, gathered or collected or obtained by the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or arising out of the association with UCFER or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her association with UCFER or any of the operations and entrusted by UCFER to the Retainer/Consultant.

2. Retainer/Consultant’s Obligations

Retainer/Consultant agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of UCFER. The Retainer/Consultant agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by UCFER or to a person having a valid contract with or need under UCFER, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of Retainer/Consultant-ship, the Retainer/Consultant agrees to surrender to UCFER all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to UCFER and Retainer/Consultant shall have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information. The Retainer/Consultant shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of UCFER all inventions, ideas, innovations, discoveries, improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her engagement with UCFER, including in the course of provision of services to the Clients of UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant hereby agrees and confirms that all such intellectual property rights shall at all times vest in and remain vested in UCFER and agrees to transfer and assign to UCFER any interests the Retainer/Consultant may have in such intellectual property rights including any interest in and to any domestic or foreign patent rights, trademarks, trade names copyrights and trade secret rights therein and any renewals thereof. On request of UCFER, the Retainer/Consultant shall execute from time to time, during or after the termination of his or her Retainer/Consultant-ship, such further instruments, including without limitations, applications for letters of patent, trademarks, trade names and copyrights or assignments thereof, as may be deemed necessary or desirable by UCFER to perfect the title of UCFER in the intellectual property rights and to effectuate the provisions hereof. All expenses of filling or prosecuting any application for patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights shall be borne solely by UCFER, but the Retainer/Consultant shall coordinate in filing and / or prosecuting any such applications. The Retainer/Consultant hereby expressly waives any “artist’s rights” or “moral rights”, which the

Retainer/Consultant might otherwise have in such intellectual property rights.

4. Prior knowledge

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by UCFER, he or she had no knowledge of the Confidential Information of UCFER and that such Confidential Information is of a confidential and secret character and is vital to the continued success of UCFER business. The Retainer/Consultant further acknowledges that he or she is associated with UCFER in a capacity in which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential Information. In order to safeguard the legitimate interests of UCFER in such Confidential Information, it is necessary for UCFER to protect such Confidential Information by holding it secret and confidential.

5. Use of third-party material

The Retainer/Consultant expressly agrees that it shall not in the course of his or her association with UCFER and while working on the premises or facilities of UCFER or its Clients or in connection with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of UCFER, use any third party material or intellectual. Property rights except those intellectual property rights provided by UCFER or expressly authorised by UCFER or without having proper authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property rights.

6. Security policies and Guidelines

The Retainer/Consultant agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents, guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of UCFER in force from time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

7. Restriction on Retainer/Consultant’s Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use, sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of UCFER that is or may be revealed to him or her by UCFER or which may in the course of his or her engagement with UCFER come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by UCFER.

8. No License

UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or hereafter obtained by UCFER is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information.

9. Equitable Rights

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that any Confidential Information that comes into the possession and / or knowledge of the Retainer/Consultant is of a unique, highly confidential and proprietary nature. It is further acknowledged by the Retainer/Consultant that the disclosure, distribution, dissemination and / or release by the Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of UCFER or any breach of this Agreement by the Retainer/Consultant will cause UCFER to suffer severe, immediate and irreparable damage and that upon any such breach or any threat thereof, UCFER shall without prejudice to any other remedies available to it, be entitled to appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.

10. General

a. The provisions hereof shall be interpreted, determined and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

b. In the event of any dispute or disagreement over the interpretation of any of the terms herein contained or may claim or liability of any party including that of surety, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated by UCFER, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Subject to the above, the arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1999 or any modifications or re-enactment thereof. The Retainer/Consultant confirms that the fact that the arbitrator shall be a nominee of UCFER shall not be a ground for objecting to such arbitration or challenging the decision of the arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. Subject to the above arbitration clause, the Parties agreed to the binding jurisdiction of the Courts at Tamil Nadu under the laws of India.

c. If any provision hereof shall be found by a judicial tribunal to be contrary to governing law, it shall be

deemed null and void without annulling or rendering invalid the remainder of the Agreement and if the

invalid portion is such that the remainder cannot be sustained without it, the Parties herein shall find a suitable replacement to the invalid portion that shall be legally valid.

d. This Confidentiality clause along with other documents executed by the Retainer/Consultant or referenced in any such documents constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining to the subject matter thereof. No delay of omission of either Party in exercising or enforcing any of their rights or remedies hereunder shall constitute a waiver thereof.

e. This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives

of both parties.

f. The obligations of the Retainer/Consultant in terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue during the term of or in the course of the Retainer/Consultant-ship of the Retainer/Consultant with UCFER and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity.

11. Non-Compete

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that he/she is required on behalf of UCFER to provide service to, or solicit business from various clients of the UCFER (each such client here in after referred to as Customer). The Retainer/Consultant agrees that for a period of 3 (Three) months following the expiry or early termination of his/her Retainer/Consultant-ship with the UCFER for any reason, will not accept any offer of employment / Retainer / Consultant-ship from any Client or Competitor of UCFER, where he/she had worked in a professional capacity with Client projects during the course of his / her Retainer / Consultant-ship with UCFER.


Graduation Criteria

Only full-time courses will be considered (Part-Time/Correspondence courses will not be considered). Any Degree.

UCFER policies

1) If a candidate attends an interview within the last 6 months from the date of the new application, he / she is not eligible to apply.

2) If a candidate in an interview is rejected by UCFER, the candidate is not eligible to re-apply for a period of 6 months after the interview.

3) If UCFER terminates the candidate application for some reason, the candidate is ineligible to apply.

4) If a candidate misses the opportunity to give an interview after applying to UCFER for any reason, the candidate reserves the right to re-apply and participate in the selection process.


Bouquet of Benefits offers you the flexibility to design this part of your compensation within the defined framework, twice in a financial year. All the components will be disbursed on a monthly basis.

The components under Bouquet of Benefits are listed below. The amounts given here for each of the components below are as per pre-defined structure. However, you may want to re-distribute the BoB amount between the components as per your tax plan, once you join UCFER. To design your Bouquet of Benefits, you may access the link to BoB in the “Employee Self Service” link on “Ultimate”, the internal portal of UCFER. Taxation will be governed by the Income Tax rules. UCFER will be deducting tax at source as per income tax guidelines.

1. Conveyance Allowance – Some employees will be eligible for a conveyance allowance.

2. Leave Travel Allowance – You will be eligible for an annual leave travel allowance equal to one-month Basic salary or pro-rata amount if you join the fiscal year. It will be paid monthly on a monthly basis. To receive income tax benefits, you must apply for at least three days of leave and submit supporting travel documents.

3. Food Coupons – You will be eligible for food coupons of (based on position and work Type) per month.

Performance Pay, Monthly Performance Pay

The monthly performance wage is off-roll, based on your own personal performance change.

This Pay shall be treated as productivity bonus in lieu of statutory profit bonus.

PF and ESI

Consent Letter of Majority of Employees for Voluntary Coverage under Section 1(4) of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

We the undersigned majority of employees of M/s UCFER (including branches etc.) do hereby consent and apply to be covered under the Employees’ Provident Funds and

Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 on voluntary basis with effect from — the last date of the month in which the notification is published in the Gazette of India, and we are willing to pay our share of Provident Fund contribution at the rate of 12% We also undertake to abide by the requirements of the said statute and the rules framed there under as amended from time to time.

We request that necessary notification under Section 1(4) of the Act may be issued at an early date.

The majority of the employees are willing to pay their shares of contributions at the rate of 12 % and have agreed to comply with the provisions of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the Scheme framed there under. The written consent to this effect is enclosed.

Necessary Arrangements may kindly be made to issue the necessary notification under Section 1 (4) of the Act, by the Central Provident Fund Commissioner.

Incase new employee or contract based workers and staffs has no PF and ESI support. But UCFER has support to this category, For them, 12% of the buff amount is kept by the company as savings amount, which can be taken by the employee after a year. It cannot be taken before that.


1. Aggregate Percentage Requirements

Your appointment will be subject to your scoring minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) marks of 65% or above in the first attempt in each of your Standard Xth, Standard XIIth, Diploma (if applicable) and Graduation examination which includes successful completion of your final semester/year without any pending arrears/backlogs. As per the UCFER eligibility criteria, marks/CGPA obtained during the normal duration of the course only will be considered to decide on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums during the recruitment process, your appointment is subject to completion of your course within the stipulated time as specified by your University/Institute and as per UCFER selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/backlogs, if any, during your academics and work experience. The management reserves the right to withdraw/revoke the offer/appointment at any time at its sole discretion in case any discrepancy or false information is found in the details submitted by you.

2. Disclaimer

Candidates who have applied to UCFER and who have not been successful in clearing the UCFER selection process is not eligible to re-apply to UCFER within six months from the date on which the candidate had attended such selection Test and/or Interview. In case you are found to have re-applied to UCFER within six months of previous unsuccessful attempt, the management reserves the right to revoke/withdraw the offer/appointment without prejudice to its other rights.

3. Training Period

Continuous Learning is a way of life in UCFER and forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER. On joining UCFER, you will be given the opportunity to undergo our Initial Learning program (ILP). This formal learning will add value to you as a professional and help you to excel in your career.

Formal assessments will be made during your learning period. The average of these assessments will be a key component of your first assessment. If your performance is found to be unsatisfactory during the training period, the company may give you opportunities to improve and improve your performance. If your performance is still found unsatisfactory and UCFER may terminate your training immediately.

You may please note that in the event of your performance during the ILP falling short of the required standard, UCFER reserves the right to either extend your ILP or terminate your services.

We will be confirmed at the end of 20 dayss from the date of joining UCFER. This confirmation will be communicated to you in writing or oral. Upon your confirmation, if your services are not found satisfactory, UCFER may terminate your services by giving you 5 days’ notice in lieu thereof.

The terms and conditions of the training will be governed by UCFER training policy. UCFER reserves the right to modify or amend the training policy. However, UCFER may even otherwise at its sole discretion terminate the traineeship any time if your performance is not found satisfactory.

If you remain unauthorizedly absent for a consecutive period of 2 days during the training programme, you shall be deemed to have abandoned your traineeship and your name will automatically stand discontinued from the list of ILP trainees without any further intimation/separate communication to you. your training duration is Maximum 6 days.

4. Working Hours

You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours as permitted by law. You may be required to work beyond your existing working hours depending upon the business requirements / exigencies from time to time.

5. Mobility

UCFER reserves the right to transfer you at any of its offices, work sites, or associated or affiliated companies in India or outside India, on the terms and conditions as applicable to you at the time of transfer.

6. Compensation Structure / Salary components

The compensation structure/salary components are subject to change as per UCFER compensation policy from time to time at its sole discretion.

7. Increments and Promotions

Your performance and contribution to UCFER will be an important consideration for salary increments and promotions. Salary increments and promotions will be based on UCFER Compensation and Promotion policy.

8. Alternative Occupation / Employment

Either during the period of your traineeship or during the period of your employment as a confirmed

employee of UCFER, you are not permitted to undertake any other employment, business, assume any public or private office, honorary or remunerative, without the prior written permission of UCFER.

9. Confidentiality Agreement

As part of the joining formalities, you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of UCFER and its clients.

10. Service Agreement

Salary, bonus and retainage will not be paid on leaving the job halfway. Must have worked for at least 3 months. First 3 months will be taken in off-roll, then UCFER will try to change to on-roll.

11. Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement

If you are on international assignment, you will be covered by the UCFER International Assignment policy from the date of deputation. Accordingly, you will be required to sign the applicable Overseas Deputation / International Assignment Agreement/s. In case of every international assignment that exceeds 30 days, you will be required to serve UCFER as per the Notice Period mentioned below.

This is to ensure that the knowledge and information gained by you during your assignment is shared and available to UCFER and its associates. This transfer of knowledge and information is essential for UCFER to continue to serve its clients and customers better.

If you are deputed internationally for training, you will be required to sign an agreement to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 6 months on completion of work.

12. Terms and Conditions

The above terms and conditions are specific to India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments.

13. UCFER Code of Conduct

You are required to sign the UCFER Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day-to-day conduct as an associate of UCFER.

14. Notice Period

UCFER shall give one month’s notice or payment in lieu thereof if the traineeship is discontinued/terminated upon the expiry of one year. No notice or payment in lieu thereof shall be payable by UCFER when the traineeship is discontinued/terminated on account of any misconduct, either during the period of traineeship or upon expiry of the traineeship. During your tenure with UCFER, either you or UCFER can terminate the appointment by giving 3 month’s basic salary in lieu of the notice. You will be liable to pay UCFER Rs 2 Month salary or knowladge sharing in case you fail to serve UCFER for a minimum period of 3 Month after joining in accordance with Clause No.10.

If you are covered under Deputation Agreement/International Assignment Agreement, either you or UCFER can terminate the traineeship/appointment by giving 90 calendar days written notice as set out in the Separation Policy of UCFER. UCFER reserves the right if it is in the interest of the business and current assignment, to ask you to complete your notice period.

15. Retirement

You will retire from the services of UCFER on reaching your 60th birthday as per the proof of age submitted by you at the time of joining.

16. Employment of Non-Indian Citizens

In case, you are not a citizen of India, this offer is subject to your obtaining a work permit and / or any other permissions and / or documentation as prescribed by the Government of India.

17. Background Check

Your association with UCFER will be subject to a background check in line with UCFER background check policy. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Normally, such checks are completed within one month of joining. If the background check reveals unfavourable results, you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of traineeship/service without notice.

18. Submission of Documents

You will receive mail.
19. Initial Training Programme
On joining UCFER, you will be given the benefit of formal and on the job training (“Initial Learning Programme”) at our offices, as identified, for such a period as UCFER may decide. The said training forms a critical part of your employment with UCFER and is an ongoing process. UCFER continues to make investment on training and continuing education of its professionals. This will be of immense value to you as a professional and a large part of the ownership and commitment has to come from you.
As UCFER progresses with these initiatives, monitoring performance will be an ongoing process and a formal evaluation will be carried out during the training. The evaluation criteria which will be very transparent will be used as a basis for allocating people to projects/roles. We would request that the training be taken very seriously to enable you to add maximum value to your professional and personal growth.

20. Letter of Appointment

You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and after completing joining formalities as per UCFER policy.

21. Rules and Regulations of the Company

Your appointment will be governed by the policies, rules, regulations, practices, processes and procedures of UCFER as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. If you are not able to show the result properly, the management will decide the salary based on the work and result.

22. Compliance to all clauses

You should fulfil all the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of offer. Failure to fulfill one or more of the terms and conditions and/or failure to clear one or more tests successfully would entitle UCFER to withdraw this offer letter at its sole discretion.
Withdrawal of Offer

if you fail to accept the offer from UCFER within 3 days, it will be construed that you are not interested in this employment and this offer will be automatically withdrawn.

Post acceptance of UCFER Offer letter if you fail to join on the date provided in the UCFER Joining letter, the offer will stand automatically terminated at the discretion of UCFER.

Indian Govt Employee Act Some laws applicable to employment have been changed with effect from November 15, 2022.

  1. If you have worked in an organization for less than 11 months and 29 days and joint with UCFER, you will be accepted as a fresher.
  2. PF and ESI facility can be arranged by the company itself for all the employees of the company.
  3. Experience certificate will be given only if you have worked in UCFER for more than 12 months and 1 day.
  4. Those working in IT/BPO have no permanent salary for 11 months and 29 days and after 12 months and 1 days the basic pay has been changed to 50%. It will be converted to permanent salary after 12 months and 1 days.
  5. The job will be made permanent after 11 months and 29 days.
  6. IT/BPO employees can change their training duration from 6 months to 11 months and 29 days.
  7. Non-permanent employees working in the BPO sector must complete the specified work in the first 3 months of joining the job, and the salary will depend on the performance and result of the work.
  8. Salary for freshers employee will be sent from company to bank account.
  9. Permanent job can be changed after 3 months as per the company.
  10.  Insurance will be provided to the employee once the job is made permanent and UCFER will bear the cost of securing the insurance. The insurance amount ranges from 1 lakh to 8 lakhs.

Confidentiality and IP Terms and Conditions

1. Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, information and material of UCFER (including for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of its Clients) that comes into the possession or know of the Retainer/Consultant and shall include the following:

a. Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information, data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by UCFER or the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or in connection with or arising out of the Retainer/Consultant’s association with UCFER. Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine instructions wherever resident and on whatever media and all related documentation and software.

b. All other information and material of UCFER relating to design, method of construction, manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the UCFER equipment and components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports, process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software, object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations, calculations, computer programs, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the Clients of UCFER).

c. Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information, which could cause competitive harm to UCFER if disclosed.
d. Customer and prospective customer lists, and

e. All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived, gathered or collected or obtained by the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or arising out of the association with UCFER or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her association with UCFER or any of the operations and entrusted by UCFER to the Retainer/Consultant.

2. Retainer/Consultant’s Obligations

Retainer/Consultant agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of UCFER. The Retainer/Consultant agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by UCFER or to a person having a valid contract with or need under UCFER, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of Retainer/Consultant-ship, the Retainer/Consultant agrees to surrender to UCFER all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to UCFER and Retainer/Consultant shall have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information. The Retainer/Consultant shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of UCFER all inventions, ideas, innovations, discoveries, improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her engagement with UCFER, including in the course of provision of services to the Clients of UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant hereby agrees and confirms that all such intellectual property rights shall at all times vest in and remain vested in UCFER and agrees to transfer and assign to UCFER any interests the Retainer/Consultant may have in such intellectual property rights including any interest in and to any domestic or foreign patent rights, trademarks, trade names copyrights and trade secret rights therein and any renewals thereof. On request of UCFER, the Retainer/Consultant shall execute from time to time, during or after the termination of his or her Retainer/Consultant-ship, such further instruments, including without limitations, applications for letters of patent, trademarks, trade names and copyrights or assignments thereof, as may be deemed necessary or desirable by UCFER to perfect the title of UCFER in the intellectual property rights and to effectuate the provisions hereof. All expenses of filling or prosecuting any application for patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights shall be borne solely by UCFER, but the Retainer/Consultant shall coordinate in filing and / or prosecuting any such applications. The Retainer/Consultant hereby expressly waives any “artist’s rights” or “moral rights”, which the

Retainer/Consultant might otherwise have in such intellectual property rights.

4. Prior knowledge

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by UCFER, he or she had no knowledge of the Confidential Information of UCFER and that such Confidential Information is of a confidential and secret character and is vital to the continued success of UCFER business. The Retainer/Consultant further acknowledges that he or she is associated with UCFER in a capacity in which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential Information. In order to safeguard the legitimate interests of UCFER in such Confidential Information, it is necessary for UCFER to protect such Confidential Information by holding it secret and confidential.

5. Use of third-party material

The Retainer/Consultant expressly agrees that it shall not in the course of his or her association with UCFER and while working on the premises or facilities of UCFER or its Clients or in connection with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of UCFER, use any third party material or intellectual. Property rights except those intellectual property rights provided by UCFER or expressly authorised by UCFER or without having proper authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property rights.

6. Security policies and Guidelines

The Retainer/Consultant agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents, guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of UCFER in force from time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

7. Restriction on Retainer/Consultant’s Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use, sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of UCFER that is or may be revealed to him or her by UCFER or which may in the course of his or her engagement with UCFER come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by UCFER.

8. No License

UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or hereafter obtained by UCFER is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information.

9. Equitable Rights

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that any Confidential Information that comes into the possession and / or knowledge of the Retainer/Consultant is of a unique, highly confidential and proprietary nature. It is further acknowledged by the Retainer/Consultant that the disclosure, distribution, dissemination and / or release by the Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of UCFER or any breach of this Agreement by the Retainer/Consultant will cause UCFER to suffer severe, immediate and irreparable damage and that upon any such breach or any threat thereof, UCFER shall without prejudice to any other remedies available to it, be entitled to appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.

10. General

a. The provisions hereof shall be interpreted, determined and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

b. In the event of any dispute or disagreement over the interpretation of any of the terms herein contained or may claim or liability of any party including that of surety, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated by UCFER, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Subject to the above, the arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1999 or any modifications or re-enactment thereof. The Retainer/Consultant confirms that the fact that the arbitrator shall be a nominee of UCFER shall not be a ground for objecting to such arbitration or challenging the decision of the arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. Subject to the above arbitration clause, the Parties agreed to the binding jurisdiction of the Courts at Tamil Nadu under the laws of India.

c. If any provision hereof shall be found by a judicial tribunal to be contrary to governing law, it shall be

deemed null and void without annulling or rendering invalid the remainder of the Agreement and if the

invalid portion is such that the remainder cannot be sustained without it, the Parties herein shall find a suitable replacement to the invalid portion that shall be legally valid.

d. This Confidentiality clause along with other documents executed by the Retainer/Consultant or referenced in any such documents constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining to the subject matter thereof. No delay of omission of either Party in exercising or enforcing any of their rights or remedies hereunder shall constitute a waiver thereof.

e. This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives

of both parties.

f. The obligations of the Retainer/Consultant in terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue during the term of or in the course of the Retainer/Consultant-ship of the Retainer/Consultant with UCFER and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity.

11. Non-Compete

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that he/she is required on behalf of UCFER to provide service to, or solicit business from various clients of the UCFER (each such client here in after referred to as Customer). The Retainer/Consultant agrees that for a period of 3 (Three) months following the expiry or early termination of his/her Retainer/Consultant-ship with the UCFER for any reason, will not accept any offer of employment / Retainer / Consultant-ship from any Client or Competitor of UCFER, where he/she had worked in a professional capacity with Client projects during the course of his / her Retainer / Consultant-ship with UCFER.


Aggregate Percentage Requirements

Your appointment will be subject to your scoring minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) marks of 65% or above in the first attempt in each of your Standard Xth, Standard XIIth, Diploma (if applicable) and Graduation examination which includes successful completion of your final semester/year without any pending arrears/backlogs. As per the UCFER eligibility criteria, marks/CGPA obtained during the normal duration of the course only will be considered to decide on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums during the recruitment process, your appointment is subject to completion of your course within the stipulated time as specified by your University/Institute and as per UCFER selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/backlogs, if any, during your academics and work experience. The management reserves the right to withdraw/revoke the offer/appointment at any time at its sole discretion in case any discrepancy or false information is found in the details submitted by you.


Candidates who have applied to UCFER and who have not been successful in clearing the UCFER selection process is not eligible to re-apply to UCFER within six months from the date on which the candidate had attended such selection Test and/or Interview. In case you are found to have re-applied to UCFER within six months of previous unsuccessful attempt, the management reserves the right to revoke/withdraw the offer/appointment without prejudice to its other rights.

Working Hours

You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours as permitted by law. You may be required to work beyond your existing working hours depending upon the business requirements / exigencies from time to time.

Confidentiality Agreement

As part of the joining formalities, you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of UCFER and its clients.

You are required to sign the UCFER Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day-to-day conduct as an associate of UCFER.

Background Check

Your association with UCFER will be subject to a background check in line with UCFER background check policy. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Normally, such checks are completed within one month of joining. If the background check reveals unfavourable results, you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of traineeship/service without notice.

Submission of Documents

1. Aadhar card ( frond & back ) (2 copy )

2. Pan card ( 2 copy )

3. 10th, 12th, diploma, UG.( all semester mark sheets, provisional certificate, course complete certificate ) (2 copy)

4. Passport size photo ( 3 copies )

5. Recommendation Letter from College (Original )


6. Updated Resume or CV (2 Copies)

Letter of Appointment

You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and after completing joining formalities as per UCFER policy.

Rules and Regulations of the Company

Your appointment will be governed by the policies, rules, regulations, practices, processes and procedures of UCFER as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. If you are not able to show the result properly, the management will decide the salary based on the work and result.

 Confidentiality and IP Terms and Conditions

1. Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, information and material of UCFER (including for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of its Clients) that comes into the possession or know of the Retainer/Consultant and shall include the following:

a. Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information, data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by UCFER or the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or in connection with or arising out of the Retainer/Consultant’s association with UCFER. Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine instructions wherever resident and on whatever media and all related documentation and software.

b. All other information and material of UCFER relating to design, method of construction, manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the UCFER equipment and components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports, process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software, object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations, calculations, computer programs, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the Clients of UCFER).

c. Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information, which could cause competitive harm to UCFER if disclosed.
d. Customer and prospective customer lists, and

e. All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived, gathered or collected or obtained by the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or arising out of the association with UCFER or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her association with UCFER or any of the operations and entrusted by UCFER to the Retainer/Consultant.

2. Retainer/Consultant’s Obligations

Retainer/Consultant agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of UCFER. The Retainer/Consultant agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by UCFER or to a person having a valid contract with or need under UCFER, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of Retainer/Consultant-ship, the Retainer/Consultant agrees to surrender to UCFER all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to UCFER and Retainer/Consultant shall have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information. The Retainer/Consultant shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of UCFER all inventions, ideas, innovations, discoveries, improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her engagement with UCFER, including in the course of provision of services to the Clients of UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant hereby agrees and confirms that all such intellectual property rights shall at all times vest in and remain vested in UCFER and agrees to transfer and assign to UCFER any interests the Retainer/Consultant may have in such intellectual property rights including any interest in and to any domestic or foreign patent rights, trademarks, trade names copyrights and trade secret rights therein and any renewals thereof. On request of UCFER, the Retainer/Consultant shall execute from time to time, during or after the termination of his or her Retainer/Consultant-ship, such further instruments, including without limitations, applications for letters of patent, trademarks, trade names and copyrights or assignments thereof, as may be deemed necessary or desirable by UCFER to perfect the title of UCFER in the intellectual property rights and to effectuate the provisions hereof. All expenses of filling or prosecuting any application for patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights shall be borne solely by UCFER, but the Retainer/Consultant shall coordinate in filing and / or prosecuting any such applications. The Retainer/Consultant hereby expressly waives any “artist’s rights” or “moral rights”, which the

Retainer/Consultant might otherwise have in such intellectual property rights.

4. Prior knowledge

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by UCFER, he or she had no knowledge of the Confidential Information of UCFER and that such Confidential Information is of a confidential and secret character and is vital to the continued success of UCFER business. The Retainer/Consultant further acknowledges that he or she is associated with UCFER in a capacity in which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential Information. In order to safeguard the legitimate interests of UCFER in such Confidential Information, it is necessary for UCFER to protect such Confidential Information by holding it secret and confidential.

5. Use of third-party material

The Retainer/Consultant expressly agrees that it shall not in the course of his or her association with UCFER and while working on the premises or facilities of UCFER or its Clients or in connection with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of UCFER, use any third party material or intellectual. Property rights except those intellectual property rights provided by UCFER or expressly authorised by UCFER or without having proper authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property rights.

6. Security policies and Guidelines

The Retainer/Consultant agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents, guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of UCFER in force from time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

7. Restriction on Retainer/Consultant’s Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use, sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of UCFER that is or may be revealed to him or her by UCFER or which may in the course of his or her engagement with UCFER come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by UCFER.

8. No License

UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or hereafter obtained by UCFER is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information.

9. Equitable Rights

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that any Confidential Information that comes into the possession and / or knowledge of the Retainer/Consultant is of a unique, highly confidential and proprietary nature. It is further acknowledged by the Retainer/Consultant that the disclosure, distribution, dissemination and / or release by the Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of UCFER or any breach of this Agreement by the Retainer/Consultant will cause UCFER to suffer severe, immediate and irreparable damage and that upon any such breach or any threat thereof, UCFER shall without prejudice to any other remedies available to it, be entitled to appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.

10. General

a. The provisions hereof shall be interpreted, determined and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

b. In the event of any dispute or disagreement over the interpretation of any of the terms herein contained or may claim or liability of any party including that of surety, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated by UCFER, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Subject to the above, the arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1999 or any modifications or re-enactment thereof. The Retainer/Consultant confirms that the fact that the arbitrator shall be a nominee of UCFER shall not be a ground for objecting to such arbitration or challenging the decision of the arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. Subject to the above arbitration clause, the Parties agreed to the binding jurisdiction of the Courts at Tamil Nadu under the laws of India.

c. If any provision hereof shall be found by a judicial tribunal to be contrary to governing law, it shall be

deemed null and void without annulling or rendering invalid the remainder of the Agreement and if the

invalid portion is such that the remainder cannot be sustained without it, the Parties herein shall find a suitable replacement to the invalid portion that shall be legally valid.

d. This Confidentiality clause along with other documents executed by the Retainer/Consultant or referenced in any such documents constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining to the subject matter thereof. No delay of omission of either Party in exercising or enforcing any of their rights or remedies hereunder shall constitute a waiver thereof.

e. This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives

of both parties.

f. The obligations of the Retainer/Consultant in terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue during the term of or in the course of the Retainer/Consultant-ship of the Retainer/Consultant with UCFER and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity.

11. Non-Compete

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that he/she is required on behalf of UCFER to provide service to, or solicit business from various clients of the UCFER (each such client here in after referred to as Customer). The Retainer/Consultant agrees that for a period of 3 (Three) months following the expiry or early termination of his/her Retainer/Consultant-ship with the UCFER for any reason, will not accept any offer of employment / Retainer / Consultant-ship from any Client or Competitor of UCFER, where he/she had worked in a professional capacity with Client projects during the course of his / her Retainer / Consultant-ship with UCFER.

Hereby declare that the above is true and accurate and that I shall be liable for any disciplinary action, including termination of internship, if the above is found to be wrong or inaccurate. I also agree to the following: 

1. I understand and agree that during the course of my internship with the organization and because of my duties and position of trust, I shall have access to, have become and will continue to be familiar with organization’s proprietary and confidential information of all kinds and that such proprietary and confidential information is of great value to the organization in furtherance of its services and business and there is a recognized and understood need for the non-disclosure and protection against the misappropriation of such information. The breach of the confidentiality clause shall amount to material breach and be a ground for the termination of my internship. 

2. All Intellectual Property created by me during the course of my internship with the organization shall be owned by the organization.

3. I shall ensure I adhere to the Ethics policy of the organization and that any violations are promptly reported to designated authorities within the organization. I explicitly agree to indemnify the organization against any and all damages that may be brought upon the organization because of my actions that are in violation of laws.

4. I understand and agree that I am subject to the directions of my superiors and supervisors in the organization and that I am bound to obey all lawful rules and regulations of the organization. Stipend is not mandatory for employees on internship. Stipend may be given on your performance basis but it depends on performance. No stipend if referred person for internship and no stipend if referred person has applied for internship in ucfer or is in internship. Scholarships are available for internships, but must be awarded as the best intern at UCFER. Internship certificate will be issued only if there is 84% attendance (eg. Attendance should be 75 days for 90 days)  Internship is 6 working days, office hours are 9 AM to 6 PM.

5. Please fill up this form on a computer. Ensure that all details are accurate. Once filled, print, sign and submit the document.

6. A digital version of the filled-up form should be mailed over to for record keeping. 

7. Please submit this form, completely filled in all respects, with the following documents:• A high-resolution photograph should be fixed in the appointed place.• A self-certified copy of your current valid passport, if available. If not, a self-certified copy of your Voter ID card or Aadhar card will suffice.• If the above document does not include your current residential address, please submit documents that show your current residential address. This may include telephone and/or other utility bills, no more than 2 months old.• A copy of the relieving letter and pay-slip from your last employer.• Semester Mark sheets of the last three semesters.

The above terms and conditions are specific to India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments.

Aggregate Percentage Requirements

Your appointment will be subject to your scoring minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) marks of 60% or above in the first attempt in each of your Standard Xth, Standard XIIth, Diploma (if applicable) and Graduation examination which includes successful completion of your final semester/year without any pending arrears/backlogs. As per the UCFER eligibility criteria, marks/CGPA obtained during the normal duration of the course only will be considered to decide on the eligibility.

As communicated to you through various forums during the recruitment process, your appointment is subject to completion of your course within the stipulated time as specified by your University/Institute and as per UCFER selection guidelines.

It is mandatory to declare the gaps/arrears/backlogs, if any, during your academics and work experience. The management reserves the right to withdraw/revoke the offer/appointment at any time at its sole discretion in case any discrepancy or false information is found in the details submitted by you.


Candidates who have applied to UCFER and who have not been successful in clearing the UCFER selection process is not eligible to re-apply to UCFER within six months from the date on which the candidate had attended such selection Test and/or Interview. In case you are found to have re-applied to UCFER within six months of previous unsuccessful attempt, the management reserves the right to revoke/withdraw the offer/appointment without prejudice to its other rights.

Working Hours

You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours as permitted by law. You may be required to work beyond your existing working hours depending upon the business requirements / exigencies from time to time.

Confidentiality Agreement

As part of the joining formalities, you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of UCFER and its clients.

You are required to sign the UCFER Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day-to-day conduct as an associate of UCFER.

Background Check

Your association with UCFER will be subject to a background check in line with UCFER background check policy. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Normally, such checks are completed within one month of joining. If the background check reveals unfavourable results, you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of traineeship/service without notice.

Submission of Documents

1. Aadhar card ( frond & back ) (2 copy )

2. Pan card ( 2 copy )

3. 10th, 12th, diploma, UG.( all semester mark sheets, provisional certificate, course complete certificate ) (2 copy)

4. Passport size photo ( 3 copies )

5. Recommendation Letter from College (Original )


6. Updated Resume or CV (2 Copies)

Letter of Appointment

You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and after completing joining formalities as per UCFER policy.

Rules and Regulations of the Company

Your appointment will be governed by the policies, rules, regulations, practices, processes and procedures of UCFER as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. If you are not able to show the result properly, the management will decide the salary based on the work and result.

 Confidentiality and IP Terms and Conditions

1. Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” shall mean all Inventions and Know-how, information and material of UCFER (including for avoidance of doubt any Confidential Information of its Clients) that comes into the possession or know of the Retainer/Consultant and shall include the following:

a. Any and all information processing programs, software, properties, items, information, data, material or any nature whatsoever or any parts thereof, additions thereto and materials related thereto, produced or created at any time by UCFER or the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or in connection with or arising out of the Retainer/Consultant’s association with UCFER. Program/Software shall mean source code and/or machine instructions wherever resident and on whatever media and all related documentation and software.

b. All other information and material of UCFER relating to design, method of construction, manufacture, operation, specifications, use and services of the UCFER equipment and components, including, but not limited to, engineering and laboratory notebooks, reports, process data, test data, performance data, inventions, trade secrets, systems, software, object codes, source codes, copyrighted matters, methods, drawings, computations, calculations, computer programs, narrations, flow charts and all documentation therefore and all copies thereof (including for avoidance of doubt any such material belonging to the Clients of UCFER).

c. Corporate strategies and other confidential and proprietary material and information, which could cause competitive harm to UCFER if disclosed.
d. Customer and prospective customer lists, and

e. All other information and material, which may be created, developed, conceived, gathered or collected or obtained by the Retainer/Consultant in the course of or arising out of the association with UCFER or while in or in connection with or for the purposes of his/her association with UCFER or any of the operations and entrusted by UCFER to the Retainer/Consultant.

2. Retainer/Consultant’s Obligations

Retainer/Consultant agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of UCFER. The Retainer/Consultant agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by UCFER or to a person having a valid contract with or need under UCFER, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of Retainer/Consultant-ship, the Retainer/Consultant agrees to surrender to UCFER all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees and confirms that all intellectual property rights in the Confidential Information shall at all times vest in and remain with or belong to UCFER and Retainer/Consultant shall have no right title or claim of any nature whatsoever in the Confidential Information. The Retainer/Consultant shall promptly disclose to an authorized officer of UCFER all inventions, ideas, innovations, discoveries, improvements, suggestions, or reports and enhancements made, created, developed, conceived or devised by him or her arising out of his or her engagement with UCFER, including in the course of provision of services to the Clients of UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant hereby agrees and confirms that all such intellectual property rights shall at all times vest in and remain vested in UCFER and agrees to transfer and assign to UCFER any interests the Retainer/Consultant may have in such intellectual property rights including any interest in and to any domestic or foreign patent rights, trademarks, trade names copyrights and trade secret rights therein and any renewals thereof. On request of UCFER, the Retainer/Consultant shall execute from time to time, during or after the termination of his or her Retainer/Consultant-ship, such further instruments, including without limitations, applications for letters of patent, trademarks, trade names and copyrights or assignments thereof, as may be deemed necessary or desirable by UCFER to perfect the title of UCFER in the intellectual property rights and to effectuate the provisions hereof. All expenses of filling or prosecuting any application for patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights shall be borne solely by UCFER, but the Retainer/Consultant shall coordinate in filing and / or prosecuting any such applications. The Retainer/Consultant hereby expressly waives any “artist’s rights” or “moral rights”, which the

Retainer/Consultant might otherwise have in such intellectual property rights.

4. Prior knowledge

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that prior to his or her appointment by UCFER, he or she had no knowledge of the Confidential Information of UCFER and that such Confidential Information is of a confidential and secret character and is vital to the continued success of UCFER business. The Retainer/Consultant further acknowledges that he or she is associated with UCFER in a capacity in which he or she will become acquainted with all or part of such Confidential Information. In order to safeguard the legitimate interests of UCFER in such Confidential Information, it is necessary for UCFER to protect such Confidential Information by holding it secret and confidential.

5. Use of third-party material

The Retainer/Consultant expressly agrees that it shall not in the course of his or her association with UCFER and while working on the premises or facilities of UCFER or its Clients or in connection with the development of any intellectual property rights or work for or on behalf of UCFER, use any third party material or intellectual. Property rights except those intellectual property rights provided by UCFER or expressly authorised by UCFER or without having proper authorisation or license or approval of the respective owner of such intellectual property rights.

6. Security policies and Guidelines

The Retainer/Consultant agrees to abide by and be bound by any and all policies, documents, guidelines and processes including IP, Security and Confidentiality of UCFER in force from time to time whether expressly endorsed or not.

7. Restriction on Retainer/Consultant’s Rights

The Retainer/Consultant agrees that he or she shall not make, have made, replicate, reproduce, use, sell, incorporate or otherwise exploit, for his or her own use or for any other purpose, any of the Confidential Information including intellectual properties of UCFER that is or may be revealed to him or her by UCFER or which may in the course of his or her engagement with UCFER come into his or her possession or knowledge unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by UCFER.

8. No License

UCFER and the Retainer/Consultant agree that no license under any patent or copyright now existing or hereafter obtained by UCFER is granted, agreed to be granted, or implied by the terms of this Agreement, or by the disclosure to Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information.

9. Equitable Rights

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that any Confidential Information that comes into the possession and / or knowledge of the Retainer/Consultant is of a unique, highly confidential and proprietary nature. It is further acknowledged by the Retainer/Consultant that the disclosure, distribution, dissemination and / or release by the Retainer/Consultant of the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of UCFER or any breach of this Agreement by the Retainer/Consultant will cause UCFER to suffer severe, immediate and irreparable damage and that upon any such breach or any threat thereof, UCFER shall without prejudice to any other remedies available to it, be entitled to appropriate equitable relief including the relief of specific performance and injunctive relief, in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law.

10. General

a. The provisions hereof shall be interpreted, determined and enforced in accordance with the laws of India.

b. In the event of any dispute or disagreement over the interpretation of any of the terms herein contained or may claim or liability of any party including that of surety, the same shall be referred to a person to be nominated by UCFER, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Subject to the above, the arbitration shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1999 or any modifications or re-enactment thereof. The Retainer/Consultant confirms that the fact that the arbitrator shall be a nominee of UCFER shall not be a ground for objecting to such arbitration or challenging the decision of the arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai. Subject to the above arbitration clause, the Parties agreed to the binding jurisdiction of the Courts at Tamil Nadu under the laws of India.

c. If any provision hereof shall be found by a judicial tribunal to be contrary to governing law, it shall be

deemed null and void without annulling or rendering invalid the remainder of the Agreement and if the

invalid portion is such that the remainder cannot be sustained without it, the Parties herein shall find a suitable replacement to the invalid portion that shall be legally valid.

d. This Confidentiality clause along with other documents executed by the Retainer/Consultant or referenced in any such documents constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining to the subject matter thereof. No delay of omission of either Party in exercising or enforcing any of their rights or remedies hereunder shall constitute a waiver thereof.

e. This Confidentiality clause may not be amended except in writing signed by authorized representatives

of both parties.

f. The obligations of the Retainer/Consultant in terms of this Confidentiality clause shall continue during the term of or in the course of the Retainer/Consultant-ship of the Retainer/Consultant with UCFER and shall continue thereafter in perpetuity.

11. Non-Compete

The Retainer/Consultant acknowledges that he/she is required on behalf of UCFER to provide service to, or solicit business from various clients of the UCFER (each such client here in after referred to as Customer). The Retainer/Consultant agrees that for a period of 3 (Three) months following the expiry or early termination of his/her Retainer/Consultant-ship with the UCFER for any reason, will not accept any offer of employment / Retainer / Consultant-ship from any Client or Competitor of UCFER, where he/she had worked in a professional capacity with Client projects during the course of his / her Retainer / Consultant-ship with UCFER.

Hereby declare that the above is true and accurate and that I shall be liable for any disciplinary action, including termination of internship, if the above is found to be wrong or inaccurate. I also agree to the following: 

1. I understand and agree that during the course of my internship with the organization and because of my duties and position of trust, I shall have access to, have become and will continue to be familiar with organization’s proprietary and confidential information of all kinds and that such proprietary and confidential information is of great value to the organization in furtherance of its services and business and there is a recognized and understood need for the non-disclosure and protection against the misappropriation of such information. The breach of the confidentiality clause shall amount to material breach and be a ground for the termination of my internship. 

2. All Intellectual Property created by me during the course of my internship with the organization shall be owned by the organization.

3. I shall ensure I adhere to the Ethics policy of the organization and that any violations are promptly reported to designated authorities within the organization. I explicitly agree to indemnify the organization against any and all damages that may be brought upon the organization because of my actions that are in violation of laws.

4. I understand and agree that I am subject to the directions of my superiors and supervisors in the organization and that I am bound to obey all lawful rules and regulations of the organization. Stipend is not mandatory for employees on internship. Stipend may be given on your performance basis but it depends on performance. No stipend if referred person for internship and no stipend if referred person has applied for internship in ucfer or is in internship. Scholarships are available for internships, but must be awarded as the best intern at UCFER. Internship certificate will be issued only if there is 84% attendance (eg. Attendance should be 75 days for 90 days)  Internship is 6 working days, office hours are 9 AM to 6 PM.

5. Please fill up this form on a computer. Ensure that all details are accurate. Once filled, print, sign and submit the document.

6. A digital version of the filled-up form should be mailed over to for record keeping. 

7. Please submit this form, completely filled in all respects, with the following documents:• A high-resolution photograph should be fixed in the appointed place.• A self-certified copy of your current valid passport, if available. If not, a self-certified copy of your Voter ID card or Aadhar card will suffice.• If the above document does not include your current residential address, please submit documents that show your current residential address. This may include telephone and/or other utility bills, no more than 2 months old.• A copy of the relieving letter and pay-slip from your last employer.• Semester Mark sheets of the last three semesters.

The above terms and conditions are specific to India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments.

January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025
July 2025
August 2025
September 2025
October 2025
November 2025
December 2025

Dates to Remember

No Important Date

You are given a day off for your birthday, which can be taken if required, This leave consider Floating / Restricted Holiday.

Note: Floating leave considers only on-roll employees.

[See Sub-rule (1) of rule 5 of the National and Festival Holidays Rules, 1959]



Terms & Conditions for Customer & Client


If after you opt-in, you change your mind, you may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at anytime, by contacting us at or mailing us at: 273, Satra Plaza, Sector 19D, Palm Beach Road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, 400705


We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service.


We use Razorpay for processing payments. We/Razorpay do not store your card data on their servers. The data is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) when processing payment. Your purchase transaction data is only used as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is not saved.

Our payment gateway adheres to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.

For more insight, you may also want to read terms and conditions of razorpay on


In general, the third-party providers used by us will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.

However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies in respect to the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions.

For these providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you can understand the manner in which your personal information will be handled by these providers.

In particular, remember that certain providers may be located in or have facilities that are located a different jurisdiction than either you or us. So if you elect to proceed with a transaction that involves the services of a third-party service provider, then your information may become subject to the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider or its facilities are located.

Once you leave our store’s website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or our website’s Terms of Service.


When you click on links on our store, they may direct you away from our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements.


To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed.


We use cookies to maintain session of your user. It is not used to personally identify you on other websites.


By using this site, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.

If our store is acquired or merged with another company, your information may be transferred to the new owners so that we may continue to sell products to you.


If you would like to: access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, register a complaint, or simply want more information contact our Privacy Compliance Officer at or by mail at 273, Satra Plaza, Sector 19D, Palm Beach Road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, 400705

Re: Privacy Compliance Officer: Tharaniya Dev

[622 Manglam Electronic Market Jaipur Rajasthan India 302001]



Our policy lasts 20 days. If 20 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. UCFER can provide up to 50% refund for any service related to software. But before generating the invoice you need to make a refund request, It is hereby declared that 100% refund will not be available if UCFER initiates any work to find the software related service. 

100% refund will be given if no visitor comes to Dialmart service. In this term applicable only Dialmart Seller.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.

Additional non-returnable items:
Gift cards
Downloadable software products
Some health and personal care items

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted: (if applicable)
Book with obvious signs of use
CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened.
Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error. Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery.

Refunds (if applicable)
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at

Sale items (if applicable)
Only regular priced items may be refunded, unfortunately sale items cannot be refunded.

Exchanges (if applicable)
We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at and send your item to: 622 Manglam Electronic Market Jaipur Rajasthan India 302001.

If the item was marked as a gift when purchased and shipped directly to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.

If the item wasn’t marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and he will find out about your return.

To return your product, you should mail your product to: 622 Manglam Electronic Market Jaipur Rajasthan India 302001.

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.

If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

The above policy was formulated by the CEO (Tharanya Dev) of UCFER.